Other Opportunities

  • Join the Lung Cancer Screening Initiative

    Did you know that November is National Lung Cancer Awareness Month? If you are passionate about lung cancer and lung cancer screenings, look to join UConn's ALCSI (American Lung Cancer Screening Initiative) chapter. We will be working with the national team, UConn Health, and Windham hospital for lung cancer awareness and promoting lung cancer screenings. Future events this month include a campus walk with white ribbons, creating digital informational posters for those at risk to send to lung cancer screening locations, and a collaboration with Student Health and Wellness.

    If interested, fill out this google form to be added to our email list!


    For more information, contact: Naz Zaer at nazanin.zaer@uconn.edu or uconnalcsi@gmail.com

If you have any questions, please contact Honors Programming and Events at 860-486-1616.