School-wide Announcements

  • Congratulations - Research Excellence Awards

    The Office of the Vice President for Research is very pleased to announce the recipients of the 2015 Research Excellence Program (REP) awards. The primary goal of the REP is to provide seed funding to promote, support, and enhance the research, scholarship, and creative endeavors of faculty at UConn, including (but not limited to) the strategic and emerging areas delineated in the Academic Plan and national and global priorities..

    The 2015 REP competition included 108 submitted proposals (70 single PI and 38 multi-PI) with $3.2M in requested funding. The two categories of support included:

         (1) Fine Arts, Humanities, Business, Law, & Engagement (FHBLE): 11 proposals

         (2) Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, & Social Sciences (STEMS): 97 proposals

    To ensure adequate peer review of all proposals, 7 review panels were created based on the disciplinary areas* noted below.  Each peer review team consisted of a chair and co-chair to facilitate the review process.  Peer reviewers were selected according to the following criteria: disciplinary areas consistent with the proposal category, previous experience as a grant reviewer, successful grantspersonship, scholarly reputation, and whenever possible, expertise and specialization consistent with the proposal. Each single PI proposal received three reviews and each multiple PI proposal received four reviews based on the guidelines, procedures, and evaluation criteria consistent with competitive extramural funding agencies (see for evaluative guidelines). Our peer review panels consisted of more than 70 faculty reviewers.  In keeping with the REP funding priorities, the peer-review teams were then asked to recommend funding proposals of high scholarly merit that create new opportunities for extramural funding and/or activities consistent with high achievement in the discipline.

    Of the 108 proposals submitted, the OVPR is pleased to announce support for 37 awards for a total of $1M in support:

    • Single PI Awards: 24 awards (34% funded); $513,310 awarded
    • Multi-PI Awards: 13 awards (34% funded); $506,082 awarded

    *REP Review Panels

    (1) Art/Creative Scholarship/Humanities/Engagement: 4 awards; $62,606 awarded

    (2) Biochemistry/Chemistry:  3 awards; $150,000 awarded

    (3) Life Sciences: Biology/Genetics: 10 awards; $233,759 awarded

    (4) Life Sciences: Microbiology/Neuroscience: 3 awards; $99,993 awarded

    (5) Engineering/Physics/Mathematics: 9 awards; $239,372 awarded

    (6) Social/Behavioral Sciences: Group A: 3 awards; $86,600 awarded

    (7) Social/Behavioral Sciences: Group B: 5 awards; $147,062 awarded


    The 2015 REP Neag awardees are:

    Jennifer Freeman, PI, Educational Psychology

    Reducing High School Drop Out by Embedding College and Career Readiness into School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports 24,737


    Devin Kearns, PI, Educational Psychology

    As Children Get Older, Do Long Words Get Easier? Longitudinal Examination of Polysyllabic Word Reading in Elementary-Age Children $23,580


    Tamika La Salle, PI, Educational Psychology and George Sugai, Co-PI, Educational Psychology

    Increasing School Climate and Student Outcomes through PBIS $43,498


    Rachelle Perusse, PI, Educational Psychology, Melissa A. Bray, Co-PI, Educational Psychology, Erik M. Hines, Co-PI, Educational Psychology, Xaé Alicia Reyes, Co-PI, Curriculum & Instruction, Eliana Rojas, Co-PI, Curriculum & Instruction, Michael Young, Co-PI, Educational Psychology

    Making STEM Accessible to All Students: Teaching K-12 Students about STEM Careers $25,000



    For more information, contact: Donalyn Maneggia at d.maneggia

If you have any questions, please contact Neag Office of Communications at 860-486-3675.