***Don't Use*** - Student Organizations

  • 3/13 (DUE) Apply to be a PATH Mentor

    Applications are now available to become a PATH mentor for the 2022-2023 school year and will remain open until Sunday, March 13th, at 11:59PM. Current juniors, sophomores, and first-years are invited to apply. Joining PATH as a mentor will give you the opportunity to help new students succeed at UConn and connect you with like-minded Honors student leaders.  

    For returning mentors, please fill out the mentor reapplication form. For people beginning their mentorship journey and/or who have not participated in PATH before, please fill out the mentor application form

    We encourage and invite students from all majors and backgrounds to apply, even if you have not previously been involved in PATH. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at PATH@uconn.edu.

    We hope you are all staying safe, happy, and healthy and we look forward to reading your applications!


    For more information, contact: PATH Coordinators at PATH@uconn.edu

If you have any questions, please contact Honors Programming and Events at 860-486-1616.