Honors Council is excited to have our annual Honors 101 event back in-person this year on Wednesday, October 6th at 7 pm in MCHU 206. We will be going over honors requirements and will have a panel to answer any questions that you might have about the honors program.
Afterwards, we will be having an ice cream social with Dairy Bar Ice cream on the Student Union Terrace. We hope to see many of you at this event. It should be a great way to learn and understand honors requirements while connecting with other honors students! Please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/2YcHTTRFE5Ep66nT6 by Thursday night (9/30) if you are interested so that we can get an idea of how much ice cream we need! We look forward to seeing you all soon!
Keep in touch with Honors Council:
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Follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/honorscouncil/?hl=en
For more information, contact: Honors Council at uconnhc@gmail.com