Scholarly Announcements and Events

  • Volunteers Needed for Mansfield History Day

    Dear Friends,

    We need your help as we are struggling to have enough judges for the March 11 Mansfield History Day  Regional Contest.  Please would you share this message with friends, college students, colleagues, and anyone else to help us recruit the 50 judges we still need. College students can put this on their resume too! 

    Two hundred and forty two students from Mansfield and the surrounding towns will be participating in the March 11th Contest at UCONN.. Sign up HERE

    The Regional History Day Contests are culminating  for the thousands of middle and high school students who, right now, are researching topics related to the theme of Frontiers in HIstory: People, Places, Ideas.  Students use their research to create a project (paper exhibit, website, documentary or performance) that is presented to teams of volunteer judges. Judges meet with students, review projects, provide valuable feedback to participants and choose the projects that continue to the State Contest on May 6. 

    Judges are vital in supporting and encouraging student scholars. Judges don't need to be educators or history experts, but volunteers should enjoy learning new information, meeting amazing young people and having an incredible day.  CT History Day Staff prepares judges for Contest Day with a pre-contest virtual training session and materials to review. Website and Paper judges review projects in advance of the Contest, while Documentary, Performance, and Exhibit judges wait till Contest Day to see projects.  All Judges are required to attend the Contest. Judges arrive at 8 a.m. where over coffee, staff reviews logistical information. Volunteers spend the day meeting students, reviewing projects, and completing evaluation forms for students. Breakfast and lunch are provided. Most judging teams finish between 1-2 pm.  

    Judges work in teams of 2-3, with an experienced judge serving as captain. Volunteers provide feedback to the students based on National History Day judging rubrics. Evaluation forms are returned to student participants at the end of the day, when students eagerly review the feedback. Each year, over 1,000 students participate in one of Connecticut's Regional Contests.   

    Please sign up today to support students at the Mansfield Contest on March 11.  If you need help, please email

    Thank you!
    The CHD Team. 



    Rebecca L.Taber

    Director of Connecticut History Day

     Love History? Sign up to Judge for Connecticut History Day and participate in one of our six regional contests! Click HERE for more information.

    Connecticut Democracy Center


    For more information, contact: Rebecca L.Taber at

If you have any questions, please contact Neag Office of Communications at 860-486-3675.