Graduating Seniors

  • Interested in Research Assistant Experience?

    Thinking about Graduate School? or Looking to check out how research is done at an R-1 institution?

    Students with at least 12 credits of COMM 2000+ level coursework (including COMM 3000Q) can gain valuable COMM research experience through COMM 4992 Research Practicum. 

    Students may earn 1 to 3 credits, depending on the number of works work contributed to research assistance to graduate students and faculty in the Department of Communication.  For more information and the application form to enroll, please go to the Department website:

    FIND OUT MORE by attending the COMM 4992 Meeting on Wednesday, Sept 9 from 2-3pm. Please email Prof. Kalnova,, for the link to the WebEx virtual meeting room.

    For more information, contact: Svetlana Kalnova at

If you have any questions, please contact Jose (Joel) Nebres at 860-486-6316.