Special Category


    The campus change policies for Fall 2020 will be adjusted as described below:


    For Fall 2020 as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, online and distance learning credits will not be counted against students in defining their home campus. This allows students to have more flexibility when choosing remote options.

    Students will remain listed at their original home campus as long as:

    1. The majority of their total credits is at their home campus
    2. The majority of their total credits is not at their home campus but consists fully of online and distance learning credits.


    Students will be impacted by the administrative campus change process if:

    1. The majority of their total credits is not at their home campus and the majority of their In-person/hybrid/split credits is not at their home campus.
    2. Please note: Students may not administratively change to the Storrs Campus if they are not eligible based on normal eligibility for campus change. 
    For more information, contact: Registrar's Office at registrar@uconn.edu

If you have any questions, please contact Economics Advising Office at 860-486-3022.