Dates and Deadlines

  • Couldn't Book an Appoinment Before your Pick Time?

    Image result for appointments fully booked

    No worries. You can do this.

    If you are unable to book an advising appointment before your pick time, don't worry: you have until the 10th day of the Spring semester (MON FEB 3) to make changes to your schedule.

    Check out the COURSE REGISTRATION GUIDE on the COMM Advising page for helpful links regarding Major courses and Gen Ed requirements--and a handy guide to reading the Plan of Study version of your Academic Requirements Report.

    When you DO meet with an advisor (after you've picked classes), you can review together your enrollment choices and make adjustments as necessary.

    For more information, contact: Joel at

If you have any questions, please contact Jose (Joel) Nebres at 860-486-6316.