
  • Finals Rescheduling for Bunched Finals

    Students who have “bunched finals” should go to the iCenter at the entrance to Wilbur Cross between March 4th—April 26th to request a change.  The deadline for requesting a change is April 20th. Bunched finals are 3 exams in one calendar day, 4 exams in two calendar days, or three consecutive exams. 


    Students with “extenuating circumstances” which may create a finals conflict are encouraged to visit the Dean of Students Office, to speak to a staff member as soon as possible. Supporting documentation will be required. Staff may allow students to reschedule a final due to an unavoidable circumstance, such as religious observances, previously scheduled medical procedures/appointments, or ceremonies in which you are directly involved in the event. 

    Questions: or 860-486-3426

    More Information:


    For more information, contact: Dean of Students Office at

If you have any questions, please contact Honors Programming and Events at 860-486-1616.