Course Offerings

  • Looking for a W course?

    Here are some open Spring semester W course options for your other W (besides the one in your major):

    * Remember, if you are pursuing a double major, your other W course will be in your other major.

    * If you are an honors student in Economics, your 2 W courses will be satisfied by your thesis and seminar courses.

    * All W Courses require completion of ENGL 1010 or 1011 (or transfer equivalent) as a pre-req, in addition to those listed below.


    2310W section 002    Media Literacy and Criticism    MWF 9:05-9:55     Pre-Req: COMM 1000

    2310W section 008    Media Literacy and Criticism    MWF 9:05-9:55     Pre-Req: COMM 1000

    2310W section 010    Media Literacy and Criticism    MWF 12:20-1:10   Pre-Req: COMM 1000

    4220W section 002    Small Group Communication    MWF 1:25-2:15     Pre-Req: COMM 1000; open to juniors/seniors

    4410W section 001    Government Communication    T/Th 2-3:15           Pre-Req: COMM 1000; open to juniors/seniors

    4660W section 001    Computer Mediated Communication   T/Th 11-12:15   Pre-Req: COMM 1000 and 1300; open to juniors/seniors


    2310W section 001    Lab Techniques in Archaeology       MW 3:30-4:45    


    3241W section 001    Greek and Roman Epic                      MWF 11:15-12:05   


    1101W section 004    Classical and Medieval Western Lit  T/Th 5-6:15   

    2301W section 002   Anglophone Literatures                       T/Th 12:30-1:45      

    3111W section 001    Medieval English Literature               T/Th 2-3:15      

    3115W section 001    Restorat & 18th Cent Engl Lit           T/Th 12:30-1:45

    3118W section 001    Victorian British Lit                             T/Th 9:30-10:45

    3218W section 001    Ethnic Literatures of the US               MWF 9:05-9:55   Pre-Req: open to juniors/seniors

    3265W section 001    Seminar in American Studies:Fascism & Antifascism in US   T/Th 9:30-10:45  Pre-Req: open to juniors/seniors


    3270W section 001    French Lit and Civilization in English  MWF 2:30-3:20 


    1501W section 002    US History to 1877                                T/TH 8-9:15am 

    3101W section 001    History through Fiction: History through Mystery: Modern British History & Popular Mystery Novels & Stories.                    T/TH 11-12:15    Pre-Req: open to juniors/seniors

    3556W section 001    History WorkshopsRevolutionary Boston and Its People  MW 4:40-5:55    Pre-Req: open to juniors/seniors


    3610W section 002    Language and Culture                           T/Th 11-12:15    Pre-Req: open to juniors/seniors


    For more information, contact: ECON at 3022

If you have any questions, please contact Economics Advising Office at 860-486-3022.