COMM-Related Internships

  • Interested in Political Communication?

    The Len Suzio for State Senate campaign is currently recruiting fall semester interns.

    The internship is open to all college and high school students.

    Senator Suzio currently represents the towns of Cheshire, Meriden, Middlefield, and Middletown. He is co-chairman on the Children’s Committee, Vice-Chair on the Transportation committee, and previously served as a member of the Veteran Affairs, Judiciary, and Finance, Revenue, and Bonding Committee.

    This opportunity is a great experience as interns will be exposed to every aspect of the campaign and learn the intricacies of the Connecticut political system.

    Intern responsibilities include: voter outreach, various administrative tasks, policy research and social media outreach.

    Interns may earn class credit or volunteer hours. (Please consult with Joel Nebres at about the option of enrolling in COMM 4991 to earn credit.)

    To Apply, please contact Tyler Flanigan:

    Phone: 860-967-9155

    For more information, contact: Tyler Flanigan at

If you have any questions, please contact Jose (Joel) Nebres at 860-486-6316.