Internship, Career and Grad School Prep

  • Internship and Co-Op Fair

    Internship and Co-Op Fair

    Thursday February 15th 11-3pm

    Student Union 3rd floor


    To see a list of employers and job types: 


    Career Fairs are open to all UConn students and alumni.

    -Dress to impress

    -Attend a Navigating the Career Fair workshop

    -Review past Navigating the Career Fair employer panels

    -Read Preparing for the Career Fair


    What is a UConn Co-op? (Cooperative Educational Experience)


    UConn Co-ops are paid, full-time working opportunities lasting at least the length of a semester, which occur while a student is still registered at UConn. Although working full-time and not earning credit, participants keep their full-time UConn student status. Official enrollment in the Center for Career Development’s Co-op Program gives students the option to opt out of campus housing and meal plans without penalty, and full tuition is waived in place of a smaller continuing education fee. Co-op program students are eligible to list the Co-op on their official transcript and may take up to 6 credits while participating. For more information regarding specific policies, please contact


    For more information, contact: Center for Career Development at

If you have any questions, please contact Economics Advising Office at 860-486-3022.