COMM-Related Internships

  • Join UConnPIRG!


    ConnPIRG Students is a statewide student-funded and student-run nonprofit that works to protect the public interest and recruit and train student activists. Some of our recent victories include:

    Helping to convince McDonald’s, Subway, and KFC to stop serving meat raised with routine antibiotics

    • Working with Undergraduate Student Government and the Graduate Student Senate to stop the $300 million dollar proposed cut to UConn
    • Registering 6,000 New Student Voters across the state!

    This semester, our top priority is to repower college campuses with 100% renewable energy. Our generation is the first to feel the effects of climate change, and the last who can really do anything about it. If we want healthier communities and a livable future for generations to come, we need to change the way we produce and consume energy. This semester, we’ll be generating public support through students, faculty, and our communities while working to get campus-wide commitments to 100% renewable energy.

    Additionally, we are also working on campaigns to:

    • Stop the overuse of antibiotics
    • Help the hungry and homeless locally
    • Save the Bees

    We are looking for passionate students to join our team!

    ConnPIRG interns learn valuable organizing skills, like building and leading teams of volunteers, organizing events on campus, lobbying elected officials, and working with the media. In addition to building their skills and resume, they work to create tangible policy change in the public interest.

    Want to get involved? Click Here to learn more about our internships and schedule an on campus interview!

    For more information, contact: Arielle Mizrahi at

If you have any questions, please contact Jose (Joel) Nebres at 860-486-6316.