
  • 10/27 Drop-In Dining with Advisors

    Drop-In Dining with Advisors, Friday 10/27/17, 10 A.M.-12 P.M, Buckley Dining Hall


    Join Honors advising staff: Kaitlin Heenehan, Anne Kim, and Jess Hoffmann in Buckley Dining Hall (large square table, back right corner when you walk in) for a late breakfast, mid-morning coffee/snack, or early lunch!  We’re happy to answer questions you might have about course registration, prepping for the end of semester, or anything else you can think of – even if you just want to check in and say hi! Questions should be general enough to not require accessing StudentAdmin as we will not have access to technology in the dining hall.

    *We can accommodate students who are not on a meal plan so please join us if you commute or live off-campus!

    For more information, contact: Kaitlin Heenehan at

If you have any questions, please contact Honors Programming and Events at 860-486-1616.