
  • UNIV Facilitator Information Sessions

    Honors First-Year students: Are you interested in helping future first-year honors students transition to the university? Are you looking to enhance your leadership and communication skills? Come learn about the opportunity to apply to become an Honors UNIV peer facilitator. If accepted, you will have the opportunity to earn 6 Honors credits while you gain valuable experience in leading a class of first-year honors students and working closely with a UConn faculty member. Application:


    Info Session dates:

     Wed, 10/25, 5:30pm, Shippee Pequot Room

     Th, 11/2, 4:45pm, Shippee Pequot Room

    For more information, contact: Kristen Glines at

If you have any questions, please contact Honors Programming and Events at 860-486-1616.