GA Announcements

  • Graduate Assistant Priorities Survey

    The Graduate Employee Union is surveying all UConn graduate assistants to asses their priorities during the next round of contract negotiations. Please check your email for a message titled "Bargaining Survey" sent on 4/17 and take 5 minutes to share your thoughts--what have you liked the most in the current contract? What could still be improved? If you have trouble finding the message, check your promotions, spam, and junk folders as surveys often get sorted out by email spam filters. If you still cannot locate the survey or need further assistance, please send an email to and we'll be happy to help you. Take the survey and make your voice heard!


    Thank you,

    The GEU-UAW Executive Board



    For more information, contact: The Graduate Employee Union at

If you have any questions, please contact Grad School at 860-486-3617.