Department News

  • Summer Course - COMM4220 Small Group Communication

    Looking to fill your writing-intensive (W) requirement AND learn valuable communication skills that will make you stand out as a job candidate?

    If you answered  YES then COMM 4220 Small Group Communication is the course for you!

    Offered during Summer Session I (May 30-June 30), this course will be filled with interactive discussions, leadership building activities, and personalized feedback and one-on-one meetings to improve your academic writing skills.  The smaller class is an IDEAL setting for writers of all backgrounds and abilities.  

    Please contact Maggie Bennett, the course instructor, for more details (margaret.bennett@uconn) or REGISTER on Student Admin NOW! 

    For more information, contact: Maggie Bennemargaret.bennett@uconntt at margaret.bennett@uconn

If you have any questions, please contact Jose (Joel) Nebres at 860-486-6316.