Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 3MT Competition Sign Ups

    Sign-ups for the 2016 3MT Competition are now live! Follow the link below to sign up.

    3MT 2016 Competition Sign Ups


    The Graduate School is collaborating with the Institute for Teaching and Learning the Communications Department and Molecular and Cellular Biology to host a variety of workshops to help students prepare for the 3MT competition. See below for RSVP and events.

    Perfecting your Elevator Pitch: How to Condense your Dissertation to 3 minutes!

    September 22 - 4:00pm -HBL Class of 1947 Conference Room

    Click here to RSVP


    What is the 3 Minute Thesis (3MT)?

    It is a research communication competition developed by The University of Queensland which challenges research higher degree students to present a compelling oration on their thesis and its significance in just three minutes in language appropriate to a non-specialist audience.

    Who should do it?

    Any graduate student who has passed their comprehensive exams (PhD).

    Why you should do it?

    Professional development; Great CV addition; Interviewing preparation; Networking with Internationally known faculty members within your field


    UConn Winners -

    1st Place - $1000 travel award and lunch for their lab

    2nd Place - $500 travel award and breakfast for their lab

    3rd Place -A gift certificate to the UConn Co-Op and an ice cream party for their lab.

    International Winners - First Prize: $2500 research travel grant

    When is the Competition?

    September 29th, 2016; 6:00pm - VON DER MEHDEN RECITAL HALL

    Where can I find more information?

    Check out UConn’s very own: Sarah Vitale (1st Prize 3MT Winner 2015) or contact

    For more information, contact: Charmane Thurmand at

If you have any questions, please contact Grad School at 860-486-3617.