
  • Al Noor Soliciting Submissions

    Al Noor, the Undergraduate Middle Eastern Studies Journal of Boston College, is accepting submissions for its Spring 2024 issue. We're looking for original research papers about the politics, history, culture, religion, or art of the Middle East, Central Asia, and North Africa. Academic papers should typically be approximately 8,000 words. We will also consider features and photo essays with a word count of approximately 1,500. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, February 7th, 2024. Please email submissions to You can view previous issues of the journal at Please submit your submission in a Google Doc form, with a list of endnotes at the end; you can view previous publications for an example of what endnotes should look like.

    For more information, contact: Grace Snell at

If you have any questions, please contact Jessamy Hoffmann at 860-486-0462.