
  • PLEASE Look for Request to Collaborate Emails

    If you are advising Honors juniors this fall, please check your SPAM/JUNK folders for Request to Collaborate emails. These emails are a critical part of the process for gaining access to each student's Honors Plan in the Quest system.

    After you receive a request to collaborate, PLEASE DO NOT CLICK ANYTHING WITHIN THE EMAIL until you FIRST go to, log in with UConn Single Sign-on, and then click the role of Applicant (unless you are automatically logged in as an Applicant) and then go to the Request to Collaborate email and click the JOIN NOW button. These steps must be followed, in order, to gain access to each student's plan. 

    • For advisors with multiple advisees, after you log into Quest as an Applicant, you can go to each student's email and click Join Now without logging out and back in again.

    Each junior you are advising (graduating in December 2024, May or August 2025) was required to submit an Honors Plan by November 1st, or send a request to update their YOG, or request an extension. Unfortunately, all Honors juniors who took none of the previous actions were sent a dismissal from Honors notice and will be removed from Honors on November 6th, (unless we hear from them at

    Please reach out if you have any questions about this process or to check on any students.

    Thank you for your help,

    For more information, contact: Kate Korner at

If you have any questions, please contact Anne Kim at 860-486-2998.