
  • Honors Plans - Accessing, Reviewing, and Approving

    Good afternoon,

    If you are advising juniors in the Honors program, who are completing their Honors Plan (by November 1st), you will be receiving Request to Collaborate emails from the UConn Quest Portal (sample below) and they may go to your SPAM folder.  To make locating them easier, you may want to try adding “UConn Quest Portal” to your safe senders list or try creating a rule for these to go to a specific folder for easier future reference. Each email is unique to a specific student and critical to the process of accessing that student’s Honors Plan.

    To access a student’s Honors Plan, the following steps must be completed in order:

    1. After you locate the Request to Collaborate for a specific student, please do not click anything within the email
    2. Next, go to and select the role of APPLICANT
    3. Then, refer to the email (pictured below) and click the JOIN NOW button at the bottom and you will be able to access that student’s plan.


    Review and Approval:

    Once you gain access you will be able to to review their entire plan, coursework, thesis work, and Engagement in the Major, and complete the Honors Advisor Approval task to submit your approval.

    • If you answer “No” to any questions about coursework or engagement, the plan will be automatically sent back to the student to update.
    • After the student updates and resubmits you will receive an email.
    • If you are satisfied with their updates, you will need to change your “No” answers to “Yes” and submit your approval to stop the cycle of returning it to the student.

    Please email with any questions, we are here to help.

    Thank you for your help and patience throughout this process!

    All the best,

    Kate Korner
    Program Coordinator
    Honors & Enrichment Programs

    For more information, contact: Honors Program at

If you have any questions, please contact Anne Kim at 860-486-2998.