
  • 10/3 Enrichment Connections: UConn Stamford

    This year, in celebration of the Month of Discovery, we will be hosting Enrichment Connections on Tuesday, October 3rd at UConn Stamford. The overall schedule is:  

    • 10am-12pm: Enrichment Connections tabling (Concourse)  
    • 12pm-3pm: Various rotating “conference style” sessions like Pre-Med/Dent Group Advising, Pre-Law Advising, Getting Started in Undergrad Research, etc. for students to attend (rooms 105/106, final schedule to be announced closer to the date of the event).  

    Please “save the date” and also please encourage your students in your classes, your advisees, and anyone interested to attend. We are hoping to create some excitement around students enriching their college experience with opportunities in Enrichment Programs units (the Honors Program, Individualized and Interdisciplinary Studies Program, Office of National Scholarships & Fellowships, Office of Pre-Professional Advising, Office of Undergraduate Research, and the University Scholar Program). Many of my Enrichment Programs colleagues from UConn Storrs will be attending, tabling, and hosting sessions. I’m looking forward to showing them our incredible campus (for those who haven’t been here before) and piloting this event as a way to connect even more students to our units! 

    Also, if you are interested in tabling during the 10am-12pm portion of the event, please keep reading! For example, do you or your department want to showcase research you're conducting or want to involve students in? Are you the advisor to a student organization on campus that’s related to one of the above units? I’ll be reaching out to students involved in research and organizations I’m aware of, but I wanted to make sure to open this outreach opportunity to our campus community as well. You can share a table with multiple colleagues from your department if you’d like to tag-team or aren’t available for the full time. Please fill out this form by 9/18 to let us know if you’d like to have/share a table.  

    Questions? Please email stamfordenrichment@uconn.edu. Thanks so much for your support of students and thanks in advance for helping make this event a success!  



    Kaitlin Heenehan, M.A.Ed.  
    Associate Director for the Honors Program at the Regional Campuses 

    Director of Regional Campuses for Enrichment Programs  




    For more information, contact: Kaitlin Heenehan at kaitlin.heenehan@uconn.edu

If you have any questions, please contact Anne Kim at 860-486-2998.