
  • 10/26 Lunch Discussion Series w/ Honors DEI Specialists

    10/26: Join Us for the Connecting through Cultural Conversations Lunch Series (Hybrid)

    I hope you are well! My name is Megan Baro (she/her), and I am the Program Assistant for Inclusion & Global Initiatives in the Honors Program and supervise the newly created Honors Student DEI Specialist Team, which is a student employment position implemented in February 2022 to actively create inclusive and equitable spaces in higher education with a focus on the Honors Program. The student team hopes to achieve this by: 

    (1) designing and facilitating impactful training for our students, staff/faculty and peer mentors, 

    (2) creating programming and events for students, staff, and faculty to share experiences, develop friendships, and find brave spaces,

    (3) uplifting multicultural spaces and their programming to the Honors community

    I wanted to reach out on behalf of my team to share information on a hybrid discussion series they are hosting in the next couple of weeks, Connecting through Cultural Conversations (CCC) with the Honors DEI Team on Wednesday, October 26, 12:00pm-1:00pm, in ITE 336/Virtual. This series will occur monthly, and we will come prepared to discuss a piece of media that is focused on society, identity, and culture. Starting off, we will discuss Hidden Brain’s How They See Us podcast episode that discusses stereotypes and “the stereotype threat”. We hope that this event series will provide a space in which conversation about DEIJ topics can come naturally and bring about relationships between students, staff, and faculty. 

    We would love for you to join us! Please feel free to stop by during the time frame virtually or in person, even if you cannot make it the entire time. We encourage you to bring a friend or colleague. In order for us to get a general head count, please fill out this RSVP form, if possible. We will also be providing lunch so please be sure to include any dietary restrictions in your RSVP form, if you are attending in person.

    Thank you so much for your time, and we look forward to seeing you!

    Warm regards, 

    Megan Baro, M.S.

    Program Coordinator for Peer Leadership Programs (Interim), Honors Program

    Visit our website:

    Email us at: 

    For more information, contact: Honors Student DEI Specialists at

If you have any questions, please contact Anne Kim at 860-486-2998.