Info for Faculty/Staff

  • LGBTQ+ Training

    The Triangle Community Center (TCC) is Fairfield County’s leading provider of programming and resources to nurture growth and connection within the LGBTQ community. TCC is now offering a training session called LGBTQ+ 201 for faculty and staff. This training involves deeper dive into topics around building inclusive practices for/with the LGBTQ+ community. This training is going to be virtual and held on September 30th from 9am to 10:30am. 

    If you are interested in joining this great opportunity, please email Email us as as soon as possible because space is limited.

    Also, we want to tailor the training to topics that participants are interested in learning more about. We created a google form below outlining some of the topic areas so that you can select your preference(s). If you are interested in attending, please be sure to complete the form.

    UConn Stamford - LGBTQ+ Training Topic Ideas & Suggestions (

    For more information, contact: MHRC at

If you have any questions, please contact Stamford Activities at 203-251-8489.