Job, Careers, & Internships

  • 5/9 (DUE) Apply to be an OUR Peer Research Ambassador

    The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is accepting applications for the 2022-23 Peer Research Ambassador program. Peer Research Ambassadors are current undergraduate students from a diverse range of majors who are engaged in research or creative activity. Peer Research Ambassadors provide critical support to the OUR at events and programs throughout the academic year, and assist fellow undergraduates with navigating the research process.

    Click here to view the Peer Research Ambassador position description and apply.

    The posting can also be found on the UConn student employment website. Search for “Enrichment Programs” in the advanced search or Job ID 12766.

    Review of applications will begin after finals. Virtual interviews will be conducted in mid-May. Questions about the Peer Research Ambassador program can be directed to Melissa Berkey (

    For more information, contact: Melissa Berkey at

If you have any questions, please contact Honors Programming and Events at 860-486-1616.