Course Offerings

  • New Course: Panel Data Econometrics (ECON 3495)

    ECON 3495-002 "Panel Data Econometrics"  Prof. Jungbin Hwang 4:40pm-5:55pm MoWe

    The course Econ 3495 (Panel data econometrics) covers standard panel data models which apply to datasets that follow cross-sections of individuals through time. An emphasis will be placed on determining when causal relationships can be inferred from panel data.

    The material is divided into the following four sections:

    (1) Static Panel Data Models

    (2) Dynamic Panel Data Models

    (3) Difference-in-Difference Methods

    (4) Non-linear Panel Data Models.

    We will use the computer programming package STATA (Python-augmented) to implement all the econometric methods covered in this class. The course also briefly discusses recently developed issues in panel data econometrics such as re-sampling and machine learning methods, if time allows

    For more information, contact: Prof. Jungbin Hwang at

If you have any questions, please contact Economics Advising Office at 860-486-3022.