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  • 11/3 (DUE) Accepting HArCo Zine Submissions - Fall 2021

    Are you a writer? An artist? Neither, but picked up a hobby in quarantine and want to share it? GREAT!!

    Honors Humanities and Arts Collective (HArCo) is looking for the following to feature in our semiannual zine:

    • Short stories/poems
    • Photography
    • Paintings
    • Drawings
    • Conspiracy Theories

    THEME: ~Whodunit~ (mystery vibes)

    DEADLINE: Wednesday, November 3rd 11:59pm

    USE THIS LINK TO SUBMIT: bit.ly/fall2021harcozine OR you can always email it to us at uconnharco@gmail.com.


    For more information, contact: HArCo at uconnharco@gmail.com

If you have any questions, please contact Honors Programming and Events at 860-486-1616.