Other Opportunities

  • UConn Nu Rho Sci Journal Presentation Opportunity

    UConn Nu Rho Psi (National Neuroscience Honor Society) has an opportunity for students (graduate or undergraduate) to present their own research or talk about a peer-reviewed journal article through their Journal Club meetings. These Journal Club meetings are around an hour long and 100% student-driven. The presenter may choose to meet in person or online, and Nu Rho Psi will take care of advertising, booking of rooms, and all other logistics of these events. 

    All students who would like to present may fill out an application form here. This is a great way to network, practice your presentation skills, and/or share the work that you've done with other like-minded individuals.

    For more information, contact: Qingli Hu at qingli@uconn.edu

If you have any questions, please contact Honors Programming and Events at 860-486-1616.