Other Events

  • 3/12 UConn Financial Educators Council Speaker Series

    UConn Financial Educators Council (FEC)

    FEC is a financial literacy organization geared toward the teachings of underprivileged youth. 

     FEC’s speaker series will be inviting various professionals from industries related to various sectors within the business world. While tying in these topics to social/systemic issues, we also aim to empower communities of color. We are having our next Speaker Series this Friday and on behalf of FEC, I was wondering if you could broadcast this opportunity to your student populations, via newsletter, email, etc. Please let me know if you need any additional information or details on the program. 

     Friday March 12th 1pm: Ally James, Corporate Finance Culture & Inclusion 

    For interested students wanting to participate in the discussion, we are attaching the sign-up form using this link which will also give access to Zoom. 




    For more information, contact: at

Other stories from the Soapbox for Friday, March 12, 2021 >>

If you have any questions, please contact Economics Advising Office at 860-486-3022.