UConn Events

  • VCU BSDP Virtual Open House Invitation

    The Biomedical Sciences Doctoral Portal (BSDP) at Virginia Commonwealth University is hosting a virtual open house on Tuesday, December 1st from 4:00 – 6:00 PM EST, and we would like to invite you to join us. The BSDP oversees admissions for and recruits students into six Ph.D. programs within the School of Medicine. During the open house, Dr. Roxann Roberson-Nay, Assistant Dean for Graduate Recruitment and Admissions, will introduce the BSDP; the six Program Directors will provide information about their programs; you will have the opportunity to engage with students from each of the six programs in separate breakout rooms; and there will be plenty of time for questions. You can register here or through the attached flier.

    For more information, contact: Mary Rosenthal at Mary.Rosenthal@vcuhealth.org

If you have any questions, please contact AsACC at 860-486-0830.