If you are an Undocumented Student seeking ways to generate income while in college and beyond, the Center for Career Readiness and Life Skills offers a variety of resources for two main areas.
One option is to become an entrepreneur, which involves developing and managing a business to earn income. For more information on entrepreneurship, please visit this page for resources. There you will have access to articles, videos, organizations, and more to help you begin your journey.
The second option is our Internship on Scholarship program. This program allows you to work on campus and receive a scholarship instead of a salary. For more information about this program, please visit this page. You may also have the opportuniy to gain credit for this internship, see article for information.
For further details on any of the resources mentioned above, please visit the Center for Career Readiness and Life Skills. You can also call us at 860-486-3013 or email us at career@uconn.edu.
For more information, contact: Center for Career Readiness and Life Skills at 860-486-3013