
  • Looking for Latino Poetry Chapbook Contributors

    I am currently working at Wesleyan University Press until May 2025 under the UConn BOLD Women's Fellowship. The editor-in-chief has allowed me to work on a personal project: a poetry chapbook. I am looking to publish new and established Latino voices in this collection.
    Here is a short summary of the chapbook's themes:
    The poems in this book will discuss the realities of growing up with Latino parents, particularly first-generation trauma—the emotional struggles of children of immigrants which is a global issue that can affect people in many cultures. This collection will explore the idea of intergenerational trauma in a community that does not acknowledge it by examining how changing identities clash with traditional Latino values or beliefs through the perspectives of people who are LGBTQIA+, female, American-born or raised, speak only English, are Black, or nonreligious. We will read poems that tell us stories about political violence, chaos, and guilt. It is a collection of memories that are not all exclusively written in English (translations from Spanish, Haitian Creole, or Portuguese are accepted).
    Deadline to submit work for consideration: March 2nd
    Poems should be 24 lines MAX (with some exceptions depending on the piece). Unpublished pieces are preferred but not required. The contributor's only criteria is that AT LEAST one parent be of Latino origin.
    Anyone who is interested or has any questions should contact me with a pdf file of their submission (limited to 5 poems max) at kjimenez01@wesleyan.edu. 
    For more information, contact: N/A at kjimenez01@wesleyan.edu

If you have any questions, please contact Jessamy Hoffmann at 860-486-0462.