Other Events

  • Immigration & American Workers

    Do high levels of immigration mostly help or hurt American workers? That’s the question at the center of our next We The People’s Forum. First, we’ll hear from a small group of Reds and Blues, including immigrants and individuals whose families have been in the U.S. for a long time. Then, we’ll open it up to audience members. We’ll explore the central question, asking about what life experiences have informed peoples’ perspectives, what reservations they might have about their own views, and importantly, what common ground they see with others who differ from them. Quick refresher: We The People’s Forum is a Braver Angels event where we hear from America’s working class about how issues of the day affect them. This event is open to the first 100 registrants, with a priority for equal numbers of Reds and Blues, and including Independents. Join us on February 27 at 8 pm ET. Register here. 

    For more information, contact: N/A at info@braverangels.org

If you have any questions, please contact Jessamy Hoffmann at 860-486-0462.