UConn Library: The "Voting in U.S. Elections” guide helps students prepare for voting by offering information from the United States Election Assistance Commission (USEAC), including videos and accessible scripts on voter registration and election results. The guide also features “Voting 101” flyers translated into multiple languages. View the guide here Voting in U.S. Elections - LibGuides at University of Connecticut. Students can attend “Ballot Ready: Researching Your Electoral Choices” on Monday, November 4, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. (in person or virtually). This free event will help students find reliable, nonpartisan sources and critically evaluate election-related information on social media. UConn Office of Outreach & Engagement: Compilation of various events offered at UConn related to voter registration and voting engagement: National Voter Registration Day | Office of Outreach & Engagement Undergraduate Student Government: Resources and events related to voter registration and getting involved: Voter Resources | Vote @ UConn |
For more information, contact: Provost's Office at provost@uconn.edu