Some tips to get you rolling!
Before the first day
- Use something like to walk around campus and find where your classes are and how long it takes you to get there. If you can, go inside the building and find your actual classroom.
On the first day
- Take with you:
- Anything you need to take notes and organize handouts
- ID (and debit card if you'll need to buy a meal)
- Snack and bottle of water
- Any personal items to which you might need quick access
- Planner/calendar
- During classes:
- Sit up front
- Say hi to the person next to you!
- Pay attention so you can determine if this is a class you want to keep!
- After classes:
- Make changes to your schedule if necessary. If you add a course for which you've already missed the first class meeting, send the professor an e-mail letting them know you've just added the course and asking how you can catch up.
- Review syllabi. Put all assignment/quiz/exam/paper/reading/etc. due dates from all the classes you're keeping into your planner/calendar.
For more information, contact: Jess Hoffmann at