Enroll in a POLS course at UConn this summer! All courses are online, most are online asynchronous! For more information, go to https://summersession.uconn.edu/!
- POLS 1002: Intro to Political Theory – fulfills a CA 1D and a 1000 level course for the major
- POLS 2072Q: Quantitative Analysis in Political Science – fulfills a Q and the major’s theory & methodology subdivision, or could be used as an additional major course
- POLS 2602W: Religion and Politics in America – fulfills a CA 4 and W and the major’s American politics subdivision or the IIREP (formerly race, gender, and ethnic) subdivision, or could be used as an additional major course
- POLS 3040: Power, Politics and Art – fulfills a CA 4international and the major’s theory & methodology subdivision, or could be used as an additional major course
- POLS 3618: Politics of Inequality - fulfills the major’s American politics subdivision, or could be used as an additional major course
- POLS 3991: Supervised Field Work – up to 3 credits of POLS 3991 can be used as an additional major course (Offered twice! By arrangement with Dr. Bergendahl, polsinternships@uconn.edu)
For more information, contact: POLS at pols@uconn.edu