
  • Fall Classes

    ANTH 3098 Varibale Topics: Anthropology of Sport and Games  (3 Credits)  
    ARE 3438E  Climate Economics  (3 Credits)  
    Analysis of the interactive relationship between the economy and climate change. Use of principles and tools of economics to focus on the costs of changes in the severity and frequency of weather events, how these costs are influenced by markets and policies, and how costs and benefits are distributed across populations within the U.S and across the globe in the short and long terms. Examination of household, firm-level, national and international decision-making as influenced by climate change, taking into account uncertainty, diverging interests, external costs, and evaluation of models used to alternative scenarios.
    ARE 2525  Sustainability Policy and Management  (3 Credits)  
    What factors do we need to consider for evaluating sustainability and its implementation? How do those factors depend on the topic at hand? This course is an effort to answer these two questions and to provide perspectives and tools to better evaluate whether we should or should not pursue a particular sustainability option. We will discuss a wide array of topics in sustainability, such as waste, healthcare, energy, food, climate, and the production of animal agriculture.
    COMM 2600  Media in the Information Age  (3 Credits)  
    The history, organizational structure, economics, policy, and functioning of technologically-based communication systems, and the relationship of these factors to media issues, effects, and culture. Formerly offered as COMM 1300.
    Recommended preparation: COMM 1000, which may be taken concurrently.  
    For more information, contact: N/A at N/A

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If you have any questions, please contact Jessamy Hoffmann at 860-486-0462.