
  • Still Space in These Summer ARE Classes

    ARE 1150 Principles of Applied and Resource Economics

    E. Bojinova, Online

    An introduction to micro-economic analysis with applications to food, nutrition, health, natural resources, and the environment. Topics include consumer and firm behavior, supply, demand, markets, and economic policy. CA 2.


    ARE 2150 Intermediate Applied and Resource Economics

    E. Bojinova, Online

    (Prerequisite: ARE 1150 or ECON 1200 or ECON 1201) Applications of intermediate level micro-economic theory to problems and policy issues in agriculture, natural resources, and the environment. Topics include supply, demand, market equilibrium, consumer and producer behavior, perfect competition, and welfare economics. Emphasis will be placed on using the theory in computational exercises.

    For more information, contact: Agricultural and Resource Economics at

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If you have any questions, please contact Jessamy Hoffmann at 860-486-0462.