
  • Summer '24 SPAN 1020

    Intensive Online GenEd July Course (3 Weeks)

    Like Fashion, Film or Art? Looking for an exciting Summer online course?

    Excellent option for students who need to fulfill a GenEd requirement, move forward in their academic plan or just take an online class.

    An intensive 3 weeks online course in July (8-26th). 3 credits.

    The course is entitled Spanish 1020: Intersections of Art, Fashion, Film and Music in modern Spain

    Taught online in English

    Fulfills CA 1 A & CA 4-INT

    Description: Critical overview of the works of Spanish film directors, artists, and designers and the struggle to define modern Spain. Topics may include personal and collective identity, national unity and diversity, youth culture in Spain and in the U.S., high versus low culture, the local and the global.

    For more information, contact: Ana Maria Diaz-Marcos at

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If you have any questions, please contact Jessamy Hoffmann at 860-486-0462.