
  • US CIA Stokes Undergrad Internship/Scholarship

    The US Central Intelligence Agency Stokes Undergraduate Scholarship Program is an internship and financial needs-based scholarship to help undergraduates acquire CIA mission-critical skills while completing their degree program. In addition to a year-round salary ($36,145-$48,155), recipients receive tuition assistance for each calendar year. Undergraduates must work at least one, and preferably two, 90-day session(s) at CIA before graduating. After graduation, all scholarship recipients must work at CIA for a period of 1.5 years per year of paid scholarship received. Applicants must be US citizens (dual citizens eligible), at least 18 years of age, willing to move to the DC area, and able to complete security and medical evaluations. Applicants must also have financial need as demonstrated by the adjusted gross annual household income ceiling up to $120,000 and a 3.0+ GPA. Deadline June 30, 2024

    For more information, contact: N/A at N/A

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If you have any questions, please contact Jessamy Hoffmann at 860-486-0462.