
  • Next Application Deadline for Honors Program: 7/1

    The Honors Program is accepting applications from current UConn students (all campuses) and transfer students for the Fall 2024 semester. 
    Next Deadline: July 1, 2024 

    Honors Admissions Timeline: https://honors.uconn.edu/admission/application-timeline/  

    Forms: A link to the online Honors Program application in the UConn Quest Portal can be found at https://honors.uconn.edu/honors-admission-forms/. 

    Approval and Invitations to Apply to Honors as Rising Juniors or Students with Two or Fewer Years Remaining (Class of 2026): 

    • Junior applications require approval of the departmental Honors advisor via the additional online Honors preliminary plan of study (Honors Plan) process in the UConn Quest Portal; (Honors PPOS advisor instructions

    Rising Sophomore Applicants with Three Years Remaining (Class of 2027): 

    • With the exception of the Honors preliminary plan of study, all parts of the Honors Program application must be completed by rising sophomores; 
    • Honors admission is based on available space for sophomores as determined by the Honors Program; 
    • Departmental approval is not required for admission into Honors as sophomores. 


    For more information, contact: Honors Program at honors@uconn.edu

Other stories from the Soapbox for Friday, May 17, 2024 >>

If you have any questions, please contact Jessamy Hoffmann at 860-486-0462.