I am reaching out to you today to invite you and your students to the 2023 Global Security Forum: Tipping Points & Tripwires in Hartford, CT on Friday, Sept. 22nd.
GSF 2023 will bring the world’s top security leaders and experts to Hartford for cutting-edge conversations about security and strategy in the decisive decades to come. Panelists will explore areas in which acting now will be vital to advancing our national and global security interests. Topics will range from the geopolitical implications of artificial intelligence to climate security and great power conflict with Russia and China. This year's incredible lineup of speakers, along with further information about the event, can be found at gsf2023.com.
Attendance at GSF is free for students. Audience members may attend in-person or virtually.
For more information, contact: Jonah Gosnay at gosnayj@ctwac.org