Dr. Morse is teaching a section of POLS 2998W this fall called "Politics in Africa". You'll find the course listed under the Stamford campus, and it's section Z82. The course is online, and open to both Stamford and Storrs students. It fulfills the comparative politics major subdivision.
Politics in Africa
This course exposes students to the diverse and complex politics of sub-Saharan Africa. The course will incorporate narratives of African history, but also use the lens of political science theory to understand both persistence and change in African politics. The course is introductory and comparative in nature. We will delve into the pre-colonial and colonial history of Africa and explore the challenges of state building, the role of ethnic identity, the exercise of political power, and the nature of African political institutions and regimes. We will also spend time discussing what democracy means in Africa, what are the sources of economic development, and what the nature of civil conflict is. Note that this is a W course, meaning it is writing intensive and requires you to submit 15 pages of revised work throughout the semester.
For more information, contact: Dr. Morse at yonatan.morse@uconn.edu