
  • Study of Subject Acceleration Practices

    Study of Subject Acceleration Practices – Seeking Interview Participants

    The National Center for Research on Gifted Education is conducting a study to document and disseminate information on how school districts implement subject acceleration (i.e., advancing students in one or more subject areas without whole-grade accelerating the student; may exist in combination with whole-grade acceleration procedures). We are seeking responses from school districts who have systematic procedures in place for subject acceleration. Our study goal is to describe common procedures in place in districts across the country as guidance for districts considering how to approach this practice.

    Participation in the study will involve an online interview of a knowledgeable member of the district staff (e.g., gifted program coordinator, director of advanced academics) with the study team. We expect the interview to last approximately 1 hour. Participants will receive questions in advance and will also have the option of submitting responses in writing.

    To learn more about the study or to indicate interest in participation, please review the consent form here: or reach out to Catherine Little at or 860-486-2754.

    UConn IRB Protocol X23-0389 Approved July 13, 2023

    For more information, contact: Catherine Little at

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If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Huntington at 860-486-4826.