You can find your enrollment date in studentadmin:
- Self Service
- Student Center
- Blue box on right side: enrollment dates
- Click on “details”
- Click green “change term”
- Select Spring 2021
- Look under Enrollment Appointment Begins
- You’ll see the date/time you can start enrolling in spring 2021 courses
To search for classes, look in the Dynamic Class Search:
- Self Service
- Student Center
- Dynamic Class Search
When you find classes you want, get the blue class number in the left hand column, then go to:
- Self Service
- Student Center
- Enroll
- Put the class # in the box where the cursor is and click the arrow button next to it. It will bring you to that class. Then select the green buttons to add it to your shopping cart before enrollment begins.
- Always put back up classes in your shopping cart so you have them ready to go if your first choice fills up.
- You can make adjustments to your Spring 2021 schedule anytime between your enrollment date and when Spring classes begin. It will not close down over the winter break.
Step by Step directions can also be found here.
For more information, contact: Economics Department at