Course Offerings

  • Enroll in Women & Minorities in the Labor Market

    Are gender and racial earnings gaps explained mostly by differences in qualifications or is it mostly about discrimination? If women and minorities are less likely to get the training and other credentials necessary for successful careers, what generates these differences? If it is instead mostly about discrimination, how does this discrimination work and is it sustainable in the long run? Are there public policies we might enact to decrease gaps in human capital and wages? Could they have unintended negative consequences for the very people they are meant to help? Might they lead to benefits to society that go beyond just decreasing wage gaps? In this course, students use economic theory along with empirical investigation to explore these questions and more. Details below.


    ECON 2444 Women & Minorities in the Labor Market

    has been added to the FALL 2020 class schedule:

    Distance Learning

    Tues/Thurs 11am-12:15pm

    Delia Furtado

    Class Registration #: 17413

    Prereqs: ECON 1201 and 1202 or ECON 1200



    For more information, contact: Delia Furtado at

If you have any questions, please contact Economics Advising Office at 860-486-3022.