Special Category


    For Summer term courses, traditional pass/fail rules apply:

    • Can only be an elective. Cannot count for a gen ed, major, related or minor requirement. 
    • Can only take up to a total of 3 courses on pass/fail during the entire course of your degree (not counting Spring 2020 courses on pass/fail)
    • Add, drop and pass/fail deadlines for summer courses: https://summersession.uconn.edu/dates-fees/ 
    • You need to use a pass/fail form with approval signatures: www.registrar.uconn.edu/forms 
    • Fill out form and email to your advisor. Ensure the form did not lose any of the information you filled in. The advisor will forward to the appropriate office to be processed. 
    For more information, contact: Economics Department at economics@uconn.edu

Other stories from the Soapbox for Thursday, May 14, 2020 >>

If you have any questions, please contact Economics Advising Office at 860-486-3022.