Course Offerings

  • 3 Variable Topics ECON Courses Offered in Fall

    Three ECON 3498 courses are being offered in fall 2020. They serve as upper level ECON major courses and count in Group 2 on the BA plan of Study. They count under Group 3 in the BS plan of Study.

    ECON 2201 or 2211Q AND 2202 or 2212Q are required pre-reqs for all three courses. ECON 5201 and 5202 will also suffice.


    Class Enroll #:





    Causal Program Evaluation3STORRVariable TopicsIn Person20Kenneth Couch (PI)11:00AM - 12:15PM / TuTh / HBL2153
    15726ECON34982Behavioural Economics3STORRVariable TopicsIn Person70Staff9:30AM - 10:45AM / TuTh / MCHU302
    15727ECON34983OpenSourceProgramming w/Python3STORRVariable TopicsIn Person30Staff10:10AM - 11:00AM / MoWeFr / OAK308
    For more information, contact: Economics Department at

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If you have any questions, please contact Economics Advising Office at 860-486-3022.