
  • Approved Environmental Literacy Gen Ed courses


    Here are the courses that are approved to satisfy the environmental Literacy General Education requirement

    ARE1110Population, Food, and the Environment
    ARE4462Environmental and Resource Economics
    ARE4438Valuing the Environment
    NRE1000EEnvironmental Science
    CE2310Environmental Engineering Fundamentals
    ENVE2310Environmental Engineering Fundamentals
    EEB3205Current Issues in  Environmental  Science
    GEOG1300EClimate, Weather, and the Environment
    NRE1235EEnvironmental Conservation
    PHAR1001Toxic Chemicals and Health
    LAND2210EThe Common (Shared) Landscape of the USA: Rights, Responsibilities and Values
    ENGL3240American Nature Writing
    EEB2208EIntroduction to Conservation Biology
    NRE2215Introduction to Water Resources
    HIST3540American Environmental History
    HIST3540WAmerican Environmental History
    ENVE1000Environmental Sustainability
    EVST1000Introduction to Environmental Studies
    NRE2600Global Sustainable Natural Resources
    HIST2210History of the Ocean
    MAST2210History of the Ocean
    GEOG2400Introduction to Sustainable Cities
    SPSS2500Principles and Concepts of Agroecology
    SPSS2100EEnvironmental Sustainability of Food Production in Developed Countries
    ANTH3340ECulture and Conservation
    EVST3340Culture and Conservation
    EEB2100EGlobal Change Ecology
    PHYS1040QECosmic Origins of Life


    Public Health Nursing


    For more information, contact: ECON at 860-486-3022

If you have any questions, please contact Economics Advising Office at 860-486-3022.