UConn Women and Minorities in Economics is a society at UConn that fosters diversity and inclusion in the field of economics. There are many underrepresented groups in economics. UConn WME seeks to hold events such as internship panels, socials, and group discussions which bring diversity to the forefront of contemporary economic issues, and to also strive for representation and engagement in the field. Economics is a wide and varied field, and so too should be the people who are given opportunities to succeed.
Come see us at the Involvement Fair, tomorrow September 4 from 2:00pm to 7:00pm.
Our first meeting of the semester will be held on Tuesday September 10 from 7:00pm to 8:00pm in OAK 337. Join us!
You don’t have to be an economics student in order to be a member of our group, we welcome any and all students with an interest in economics, or a desire to be a part of our group or learn about our mission.
For more information, contact: Rebecca Walker at 8604863022